Wednesday, July 26, 2017

πŸ’Š πŸ’‰ 🚬Drugs / Alcohol / Smoking / Cigarettes 🚬🍺 🍻 πŸ₯‚ 🍷

Dropping your beer as an adult is the same as letting go of your balloon as a child.

I mostly use my driver's license to buy stuff that impairs my ability to drive.

🚭 Someone trying to quit biting their nails is like a smoker trying to quit, but while walking around with a pack of cigarettes in each hand 24/7.

Do amputees have a lower alcohol tolerance?

☠ The dose makes the poison

Sometimes the only difference between dedication and addiction is whether whatever one is doing is socially acceptable or not.

The real gateway drug is alcohol because it removes your inhibitions and you'll be much more likely to try something stupid

There’s no 3-second rule after dropping a cigarette because the stuff inside is worse than whatever was on the ground.

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