Wednesday, June 29, 2016

💻 💽 💾 Computer / Technology / Internet /

If Microsoft keeps counting with their editions of Windows, they will eventually end back up at 95.

Thanks to cell phones, most people are essentially using pocket watches again.

Humans are a super AI invented by mother nature and now we are slowly destroying our creator, the exact thing we are afraid of happening with computer AI today.

Go to bed, you’ll feel better in the morning; is the human version of 'Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?

Getting a virus from watching porn is your computer catching an STD

An empty browser history is more suspicious than a filled one

The tone I interpret from a text is the reflection of my own insecurities with that person.

Making a typo in an online argument is the equivalent of voice cracking in a verbal argument.

If internet explorer is brave enough to ask to be your default browser, you're brave enough to ask that girl out.

Puberty is the Biological form of forced updates.

Typing your password is like serving in tennis. The first attempt you try to smash it with fuck-off-record-breaker speed. If that doesn't work you go again more carefully, but it's still fast to the casual observer.

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